Prompt Toolkit

How I’ve utilized prompt_toolkit and extended it.


class BindingPP(keys: Tuple[Union[prompt_toolkit.keys.Keys, str], ...], handler: Callable[[KeyPressEvent], None], filter: Union[prompt_toolkit.filters.base.Filter, bool] = True, eager: Union[prompt_toolkit.filters.base.Filter, bool] = False, is_global: Union[prompt_toolkit.filters.base.Filter, bool] = False, save_before: Callable[[KeyPressEvent], bool] = <function Binding.<lambda>>, record_in_macro: Union[prompt_toolkit.filters.base.Filter, bool] = True)[source][source]

Bases: prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings.Binding

Fix the prompt_toolkit binding.

Allow them to compared, called, hashed or evaluated for truthiness. As none of this is originally available.


__lt__ so we can sort

convert_bindings(bindings: prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings.KeyBindingsBase)[source][source]
class KeyBindingsManager(kb: Optional[prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings.KeyBindings] = None, shell: Optional[IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShell] = None, **kwargs)[source][source]

Bases: prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings.KeyBindingsBase

An object to make working with keybindings easier.

Subclasses UserList with a list of Keys and their handlers. By defining dunders, the collection of keybindings are much easier to work with.

__init__(kb: Optional[prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings.KeyBindings] = None, shell: Optional[IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShell] = None, **kwargs)[source][source]

Initialize the class.


kb (KeyBindings, optional) – KeyBindings to initialize with.

add(another_one, *args)[source][source]

Add another binding.

Takes same parameters as Binding __init__ and not the same bindings as KeyBindings.add.

property kb[source][source]
property bindings[source][source]

Make the kb attributes bindings visible at the top level.

property bindings_setter[source][source]

Make the kb attributes bindings visible at the top level.

add_binding(another_one, *args)[source]

Add another binding.

Takes same parameters as Binding __init__ and not the same bindings as KeyBindings.add.

insert(another_one, *args)[source]

Add another binding.

Takes same parameters as Binding __init__ and not the same bindings as KeyBindings.add.


Return handlers for ‘keys’.




Return type


Return a list of key bindings that can handle this key.

(This return also inactive bindings, so the filter still has to be called, for checking it.)


keys – tuple of keys.


Return a list of key bindings that handle a sequence starting with keys.

(It does only return bindings for which the sequences are longer than keys. And like get_bindings_for_keys, it also includes inactive bindings.)


keys – tuple of keys.

class Documented(text: str = '', cursor_position: Optional[int] = None, selection: Optional[prompt_toolkit.selection.SelectionState] = None)[source][source]

Bases: prompt_toolkit.document.Document

I’ll admit this subclass doesn’t exist for much of a reason.

However, it’s a LOT easier to work with classes with their dunders defined.

Implement the basics for a class to be considered a sequence IE len and iter.

create_vi_insert_keybindings() → prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings.ConditionalKeyBindings[source][source]
create_kb() → List[prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings.Binding][source][source]


Create classes used to enhance the prompt_toolkit objects bound to the running IPython interpreter.

Provides utilities functions and classes to work with both prompt_toolkit and IPython. The APIs of both libraries can be individually quite overwhelming, and the combination and interaction of the 2 can prove difficult to stay on top of.

The Helpers class defined here gives a useful reference as to the relationship between a number of the intertwined classes in a running PromptSession.


Of use might be.:


An object that contains the default_buffer, DEFAULT_BUFFER, a reference to a container HSplit and a few other things possibly worth exploring.


A patch to cover up the fact that get_app() returns a DummyApplication.


A patch to cover up the fact that get_app() returns a DummyApplication.

create_jedi_interpreter(document: prompt_toolkit.document.Document) → Optional[jedi.api.Interpreter][source][source]
class Helpers[source][source]

Bases: object

A class that attempts enumerating the hierarchy of classes in prompt_toolkit.


Define the shell, PromptSession and Application.

property app_kb[source][source]

Application instance keybindings.

NOT the same as ‘session_kb’.

In [103]: pt.pt_app_kb == pt.session_kb Out[103]: False

property session_kb[source][source]
property app_layout[source][source]

The same as session_layout thank god.

In [102]: pt.app_layout == pt.session_layout Out[102]: True

property session_layout[source][source]
property layout[source][source]
property app_style[source][source]

Of course it’s not the same as the session_style.

In [108]:
Out[108]: <prompt_toolkit.styles.base.DynamicStyle at 0x7f164da54f40>

In [109]:
Out[109]: <prompt_toolkit.styles.base.DynamicStyle at 0x7f1658a90a30>
property editing_mode[source][source]

Thankfully the same on a PromptSession and Application.

In [5]: _ip.pt_app.editing_mode Out[5]: <EditingMode.VI: ‘VI’>

In [6]: Out[6]: <EditingMode.VI: ‘VI’>

property session_style[source][source]
property current_buffer[source][source]

Current buffer as returned by the layout property.

property current_buffer_app[source][source]

Current buffer a returned by the App. Doesn’t exist on the PromptSession.

property current_container[source][source]

Return the container attr of the layout.

Typically will return the HSplit defining the layout of the app.

property current_container_children[source][source]

Return a list of the current container children.

I genuinely don’t think I expected it to be so big.

HSplit.children is a lie.

Use HSplit._all_children

property current_control[source][source]

Return the layout’s current control. Typically a BufferControl.

property current_document[source][source]

The current buffer’s document.

property current_buffer_texts[source][source]

Return the ‘text’ attr of the current buffer as a string.

property current_document_text[source][source]

Return the ‘lines’ attr of the current document as a list.

property current_window[source][source]
property current_content[source][source]

The ‘content’ attribute of a Window returns a UIControl instance.

In this specific case, it returns a BufferControl.

property content_is_control[source][source]

Is the Window content the control returned by the layout?

property session_validator[source][source]

The validator instance on the PromptSession.


Not only do we not have this attribute on the App, it’s not bound to anything by default in IPython!

property app_renderer[source][source]

Note that session doesn’t have this attribute.

property renderer_output[source][source]

The output attribute from the prompt_toolkit.renderer.Renderer.


In [9]: h = Helpers()

In [10]: h.session.output
Out[10]: <prompt_toolkit.output.windows10.Windows10_Output at 0x240ff55b460>

In [11]: h.pt_app.output
Out[11]: <prompt_toolkit.output.windows10.Windows10_Output at 0x240ff55b460>

In [12]: h.session.input
Out[12]: <prompt_toolkit.input.win32.Win32Input at 0x240ff722050>

In [13]: h.pt_app.input
Out[13]: <prompt_toolkit.input.win32.Win32Input at 0x240ff722050>

Effectively a full history of every command I’ve run across sessions.

This is crazy to look at and I don’t know where it’s storing this persistent info.



Return type



What is this?

Behaves similarly to a dict but won’t display values.:

[ins] In [165]:
Out[165]: <Context at 0x7877b7d880>

[ins] In [166]:
Out[166]: <items at 0x7877ac00f0>

[ins] In [167]:
Out[167]: <keys at 0x7877b46e00>

[ins] In [168]: print_formatted_text(
<Context object at 0x787791c380>

Return a list of prompt_toolkit.layout.processor.Processor's.


Generate a Layout with a SearchToolbar and keybindings.


Windows require their content arguments to have a method reset.

class ConditionalCallable(validator, **kwargs)[source][source]

Bases: prompt_toolkit.validation.ConditionalValidator

__init__(validator, **kwargs)[source][source]
user_overrides(f, overrides=None, *args, **kwargs)[source][source]

Decorator that allows a user to fill in the remainder of a functools.partial.


See Also


Use of the prompt_toolkit.completions.Completers.