Source code for default_profile.startup.ptoolkit

"""Configure prompt_toolkit effectively within a running IPython instance.

Create classes used to enhance the prompt_toolkit objects
bound to the running IPython interpreter.

Provides utilities functions and classes to work with both `prompt_toolkit`
and `IPython`. The APIs of both libraries can be individually quite
overwhelming, and the combination and interaction of the 2 can prove difficult
to stay on top of.

The `Helpers` class defined here gives a useful reference as to the
relationship between a number of the intertwined classes in a running

Of use might be.:


An object that contains the default_buffer, `DEFAULT_BUFFER`, a reference
to a container `HSplit` and a few other things possibly worth exploring.

import functools
import sys
from typing import Callable, AnyStr, Any, Union, Optional

import jedi
import prompt_toolkit
from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython

from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
from prompt_toolkit.document import Document

# from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
# from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import merge_key_bindings
from prompt_toolkit.filters import is_searching, ViInsertMode
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings import search
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings import (
from prompt_toolkit.layout.containers import HSplit, Window
from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import BufferControl
from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import (
from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import style_from_pygments_cls
from prompt_toolkit.validation import (
from prompt_toolkit.widgets.toolbars import SearchToolbar

    from gruvbox import GruvboxStyle
except ImportError:
    from pygments.styles.inkpot import InkPotStyle

    pygments_style = InkPotStyle
    pygments_style = GruvboxStyle

DEDENT_TOKENS = frozenset(["raise", "return", "pass", "break", "continue"])

[docs]def get_app(): """A patch to cover up the fact that get_app() returns a DummyApplication.""" if get_ipython() is not None: return get_ipython()
[docs]def get_session(): """A patch to cover up the fact that get_app() returns a DummyApplication.""" if get_ipython() is not None: return get_ipython().pt_app
[docs]def create_jedi_interpreter(document: Document) -> Union[jedi.Interpreter, None]: # Copied from ptpython.utils try: return jedi.Interpreter( document.text, column=document.cursor_position_col, line=document.cursor_position_row + 1, path="input-text", namespaces=[locals(), globals()], ) except ValueError: # Invalid cursor position. # ValueError('`column` parameter is not in a valid range.') return None except AttributeError: # Workaround for #65: # See also: return None except IndexError: # Workaround Jedi issue #514: for return None except KeyError: # Workaroud for a crash when the input is "u'", the start of a unicode string. return None
# except Exception: # Workaround for: # return None
[docs]class Helpers: """A class that attempts enumerating the hierarchy of classes in prompt_toolkit."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Define the shell, PromptSession and Application.""" = get_ipython() if is not None: self.pt_app = get_app() self.session = get_session() else: from prompt_toolkit import VERSION as ptk_version # Gonna need a ptk version check if ptk_version > 3: from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app_or_none self.pt_app = get_app_or_none() self.session = self.pt_app.session
# todo: # else: def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} with app at {self.pt_app}" def __sizeof__(self): # Unfortunately I've added so much to this class that it might be necessary to check # how big ano object is now return object.__sizeof__(self) + sum( sys.getsizeof(v) for v in self.__dict__.values() )
[docs] @property def app_kb(self): """Application instance keybindings. NOT the same as 'session_kb'. In [103]: pt.pt_app_kb == pt.session_kb Out[103]: False """ return self.pt_app.key_bindings
[docs] @property def session_kb(self): return self.session.key_bindings
[docs] @property def app_layout(self): """The same as session_layout *thank god*. In [102]: pt.app_layout == pt.session_layout Out[102]: True """ return self.pt_app.layout
[docs] @property def session_layout(self): return self.session.layout
[docs] @property def layout(self): return self.app_layout
[docs] @property def app_style(self): """Of course it's not the same as the session_style. :: In [108]: Out[108]: <prompt_toolkit.styles.base.DynamicStyle at 0x7f164da54f40> In [109]: Out[109]: <prompt_toolkit.styles.base.DynamicStyle at 0x7f1658a90a30> """ return
[docs] @property def editing_mode(self): """Thankfully the same on a PromptSession and Application. In [5]: _ip.pt_app.editing_mode Out[5]: <EditingMode.VI: 'VI'> In [6]: Out[6]: <EditingMode.VI: 'VI'> """ return self.session.editing_mode
[docs] @property def session_style(self): return
[docs] @property def current_buffer(self): """Current buffer as returned by the layout property.""" return self.layout.current_buffer
[docs] @property def current_buffer_app(self): """Current buffer a returned by the App. Doesn't exist on the PromptSession.""" return self.session.current_buffer
# todo: # In [3]: _ip.pt_app.validator # In [4]: # AttributeError: 'Application' object has no attribute 'validator'
[docs] @property def current_container(self): """Return the container attr of the layout. Typically will return the HSplit defining the layout of the app. """ return self.layout.container
[docs] @property def current_container_children(self): """Return a list of the current container children. I genuinely don't think I expected it to be so big. .. admonition:: HSplit.children is a lie. Use HSplit._all_children """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember return self.current_container._all_children
[docs] @property def current_control(self): """Return the layout's current control. Typically a BufferControl.""" return self.layout.current_control
[docs] @property def current_document(self): """The current buffer's document.""" return self.current_buffer.document
[docs] @property def current_buffer_texts(self): """Return the 'text' attr of the current buffer as a string.""" return self.current_buffer.text
[docs] @property def current_document_text(self): """Return the 'lines' attr of the current document as a list.""" return self.current_document.lines
[docs] @property def current_window(self): return self.layout.current_window
[docs] @property def current_content(self): """The 'content' attribute of a `Window` returns a UIControl instance. In this specific case, it returns a BufferControl. """ return self.current_window.content
[docs] @property def content_is_control(self): """Is the `Window` content the control returned by the layout?""" return self.current_content is self.current_control
[docs] @property def session_validator(self): """The validator instance on the PromptSession. Notes ----- Not only do we not have this attribute on the App, it's not bound to anything by default in IPython! """ return self.session.validator
# Doesn't actually exist! # @property # def app_validator(self): # return self.pt_app.validator
[docs] def validate_validators(self): # who watches the watchmen? print( f"Session validator: {self.session_validator}." "Checking if the session validator is a prompt_toolkit.validator.Validator." ) print(isinstance(self.session_validator, prompt_toolkit.validator.Validator)) print("Is the app validator the same as the session validator?") print(self.app_validator is self.session_validator)
[docs] def all_controls(self): return list(self.layout.find_all_controls())
[docs] @property def app_renderer(self): """Note that session doesn't have this attribute.""" return self.pt_app.renderer
[docs] @property def renderer_output(self): """The output attribute from the `prompt_toolkit.renderer.Renderer`. Examples -------- :: In [9]: h = Helpers() In [10]: h.session.output Out[10]: <prompt_toolkit.output.windows10.Windows10_Output at 0x240ff55b460> In [11]: h.pt_app.output Out[11]: <prompt_toolkit.output.windows10.Windows10_Output at 0x240ff55b460> In [12]: h.session.input Out[12]: <prompt_toolkit.input.win32.Win32Input at 0x240ff722050> In [13]: h.pt_app.input Out[13]: <prompt_toolkit.input.win32.Win32Input at 0x240ff722050> """ return self.app_renderer.output
[docs] def current_buffer_lines(self): """Effectively a full history of every command I've run across sessions. This is crazy to look at and I don't know where it's storing this persistent info. Returns ------- _working_lines : lines """ # noinspection PyProtectedMember return self.current_buffer._working_lines
[docs] def app_context(self): """What is this? Behaves similarly to a dict but won't display values.:: [ins] In [165]: Out[165]: <Context at 0x7877b7d880> [ins] In [166]: Out[166]: <items at 0x7877ac00f0> [ins] In [167]: Out[167]: <keys at 0x7877b46e00> [ins] In [168]: print_formatted_text( <Context object at 0x787791c380> """ return self.pt_app.context
[docs]def all_processors_for_searching(): r"""Return a list of `prompt_toolkit.layout.processor.Processor`\'s.""" return [ ConditionalProcessor(HighlightSearchProcessor(), ~is_searching), HighlightIncrementalSearchProcessor(), HighlightSelectionProcessor(), HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor(), DisplayMultipleCursors(), ]
[docs]def search_layout(): """Generate a `Layout` with a `SearchToolbar` and keybindings. Notes ------ Windows require their `content` arguments to have a method `reset`. """ all_input_processors = all_processors_for_searching() search_toolbar = SearchToolbar("Search Toolbar", vi_mode=True) control = BufferControl( Buffer(document=Document(), read_only=True), search_buffer_control=search_toolbar.control, preview_search=True, include_default_input_processors=False, input_processors=all_input_processors, ) style = style_from_pygments_cls(pygments_style) # Apparently theres something wrong with the style other put it in the # HSplit constructor buf_container = Window(control, style=style) search_container = Window(search_toolbar, style=style) container = HSplit([buf_container, search_container]) return container
[docs]def create_searching_keybindings(): kb = KeyBindings() # These get referenced more than once so keep them up here search_state = get_app().current_search_state current_buffer = get_app().current_buffer @kb.add("q") def _(event): # @Condition # def search_buffer_is_empty(): # """Returns True when the search buffer is empty.""" # return get_app().current_buffer.text == "" kb.add("/")(search.start_forward_incremental_search) kb.add("?")(search.start_reverse_incremental_search) kb.add("enter")(search.accept_search) kb.add("c-c")(search.abort_search) kb.add("backspace")(search.abort_search) @kb.add("n") def repeat_search(event): cursor_position = current_buffer.get_search_position( search_state, include_current_position=False ) current_buffer.cursor_position = cursor_position @kb.add("N") def repeat_search_backwards(event): cursor_position = current_buffer.get_search_position( ~search_state, include_current_position=False ) current_buffer.cursor_position = cursor_position return ConditionalKeyBindings(kb, filter=is_searching)
[docs]class ConditionalCallable(ConditionalValidator):
[docs] def __init__(self, validator, **kwargs): if kwargs: if "document" in kwargs: self.document = kwargs.pop("document") super().__init__(validator, **kwargs)
# def validate(self, document, filter=None, *args, **kwargs): # """Only abstract method is validate. Fuckin' ConditionalValidator doesn't define this though.""" # self.validator.validate(document) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.validator}" # NOPE. We raise an error because 'validator type: str doesn't have a validate method. # So this class defines validation in terms of `__call__` at some point. # def __call__(self): # """Because it's annoying having to pass the document just to see it.""" # return self.__repr__() def __call__(self, document: Optional[Document] = None): if document is None: document = get_ipython() return self.validate(document)
def _conditional_validator( validator: prompt_toolkit.validation.Validator, document: Document ) -> Callable: return ConditionalCallable(validator, document=document, filter=ViInsertMode())
[docs]def pt_validator() -> prompt_toolkit.validation.Validator: validator = ThreadedValidator( _conditional_validator( DummyValidator(), get_ipython() ) ) return validator
[docs]def user_overrides(f, overrides=None, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator that allows a user to fill in the remainder of a functools.partial.""" # problematically i don't really know how to do this. @functools.wraps def _(): return f(overrides) return f(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def initialize_prompt_toolkit(prompt=None): # make these imports local because shits gonna run so slow otherwise from default_profile.startup.lexer import get_lexer # from default_profile.startup.completions import create_pt_completers # from default_profile.startup.clipboard import UsefulClipboard from prompt_toolkit.clipboard.base import DynamicClipboard from prompt_toolkit.clipboard.in_memory import InMemoryClipboard from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.defaults import load_key_bindings if prompt is None: prompt = "YourPTApp:" from prompt_toolkit.output import ColorDepth partial_session = functools.partial( prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.PromptSession( message=prompt, vi_mode=True, lexer=get_lexer(), key_bindings=load_key_bindings(), enable_open_in_editor=True, enable_history_search=True, enable_system_prompt=True, enable_suspend=True, color_depth=ColorDepth.TRUE_COLOR, clipboard=DynamicClipboard(InMemoryClipboard()), validator=pt_validator(), # TODO: style # include_default_pygments_style # history # and then eventually layout ) ) return partial_session
[docs]def determine_which_pt_attribute(): _ip = get_ipython() # IPython < 7.0 if hasattr(_ip, "pt_cli"): return _ip.pt_cli.application.key_bindings_registry # IPython >= 7.0 elif hasattr(_ip, "pt_app"): # Here's one that might blow your mind. if _ip.pt_app is None: # also happens in pydevd in pycharm. we gotta fix this though. # ran into this while running pytest. # If you start IPython from something like pytest i guess it starts # the machinery with a few parts missing...I don't know. initialize_prompt_toolkit() ret = if isinstance(ret, _MergedKeyBindings): # returning _bindings2 returns None omfg return ret.bindings elif isinstance(ret, KeyBindings): return ret.bindings else: raise TypeError else: try: from ipykernel.zmqshell import ZMQInteractiveShell except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): return else: # Jupyter QTConsole if isinstance(_ip, ZMQInteractiveShell): return
if __name__ == "__main__": pt_helper = Helpers() jedi_interpreter = create_jedi_interpreter(pt_helper.current_document) pt = determine_which_pt_attribute() get_ipython().pt_app.validator = pt_validator()