External Commands

All commands in this section rely on another tool or piece of software.

The scripts therein collectively automate use of git, Neovim, conda, and IPython.


g — Programmatically work with subprocess’ and Git.

This module intends to build a base class through subprocesses in order to build up a trimmed-down, and more importantly safer Git object.

Subprocess and Git

Currently we need to move some module functions into our BaseCommand class. I don’t want it to attempt implementing too much however. But it should have a method that checks output in the way that our module function does for the git rev-parse expression that sets up the git root.

You know what would be nice? Run the following commands in one.

git branch -d foo
git branch -rd origin/foo
git push origin :foo

There’s no reason that that’s 3 commands with differing syntax.

All you need to do is check if the branch exists both locally and remotely and kill everything.

class pyutil.g.Git(root=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pyutil.shell.BaseCommand

Create a base class for working with Git in Python.

For the time being we only really need to run the g.BaseCommand.run() What other parameters do we need to pay attention to? State that would be useful to grab? Silencing the warnings about version is a start. So I guess learning how to properly initialize a class.

_check_output(self, cmd, **kwargs)[source]

Checks output from a subprocess call.


Show the root of a repo.

static _quote(self, cmd)[source]

Which one of these two is preferable?

_quote_cmd(self, cmd)[source]

Maybe this should be in the parent class?


Get the remote name to use for upstream branches.


str – Uses “upstream” if it exists, “origin” otherwise

Return type

Remote git server

property version[source]

Return the version of Git we have.

class pyutil.g.Other(root=None, version=None)[source]

Bases: object

Toy code always refers to other I.E. self != other. Let’s write other!

Haha just kidding. I’m testing out Git but one that doesn’t subclass anything because the parent class is having problems


Show the root of a repo.


Get the symbolic name for the current git branch.


Create a file and git add it.


args (str (path-like object)) – Path to a file that’s needs to be staged and added to the Git index.


Automate profiling nvim.

Nvim Profiler

Attaching to a remote instance from the REPL

The below code displays how to attach to a remote neovim instance.:

>>> if not os.environ.get('NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS'):  # we have no running nvim
    >>> subprocess.run(['nvim&'])  # are we allowed to do this?
>>> import pynvim
>>> vim = pynvim.attach('socket', path=os.environ.get('NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS'))
>>> vim.command('edit $MYVIMRC')
>>> vim_root = vim.current.buffer

Finding the initialization file to profile

Here’s the help documentation on how to find an init.vim file assuming it’s placed in the standard location I.E. ~/.config/nvim or USERPROFILEAppDataLocalnvim.

stdpath({what})                 *stdpath()* *E6100*
Returns |standard-path| locations of various default files and directories.

{what}       Type    Description ~
cache        String  Cache directory. Arbitrary temporary
                     storage for plugins, etc.
config       String  User configuration directory. The
                     |init.vim| is stored here.
config_dirs  List    Additional configuration directories.
data         String  User data directory. The |shada-file|
                     is stored here.
data_dirs    List    Additional data directories.

    :echo stdpath("config")


In the future this module is going to move towards implementing a command that will behave similarly to the following command run in the shell:

nvim --startuptime test.txt test.py test.txt -c"bn"
# Also we could make the base command
nvim --clean --startuptime foo.log example_module.py foo.log -c'bn'

class pyutil.nvim_profiling.Neovim(exe=None)[source]

Bases: object

Instantiate a connection to neovim if it’s running, establish the path if not.

Got to the point where I thought:

Let’s just rewrite this module.


Determine if neovim is running.

property running_instance[source]

Is neovim running?


Parse arguments given by the user.


Profile nvim.


nvim_root (str) – The directory where nvim’s configuration files are found.


profiling_log_file – Creates file based on the current time in ISO format profiling nvim.

Return type



Allow the test.py file that we use for startup to be configured.


Checks that an directory named profiling exists.

IPython has a function in IPython.utils that I believe is called ensure_dir_exists. Do we provide anything that that implementation doesn’t?


output_dir (str) – Directory to store profiling results in.


Return type
