IPython Sphinx Directive

The ipython directive is a stateful shell that can be used in reStructured text files.

The Sphinx project, for those who are unfamiliar, is used to create documentation from valid Python source in order to generate HTML.

The generated HTML can then be uploaded online and be served as the official documentation for software projects in the varying languages that Sphinx supports.

The IPython directive builds on this functionality by creating an ipython directive. This allows for a user to, for example, copy and paste their interactive session into an reStructured text file.

While generating the HTML, the IPython Sphinx shell can also parse and validate IPython code, syntax highlight source code that’s been included literally, and embed plots based on the live embedded data.

Specifically, the IPython Sphinx extension correctly parses standard IPython prompts, and extracts the input and output lines to generate HTML.


This tutorial should be read side-by-side with the Sphinx source that generated this document. With the exception of the example given above, the literal ReStructured Text will not be displayed alongside the rendered output.

Warning is Error

All warnings are treated as errors in the default configuration which will lead to frequent crashes while building documentation. The option where this behavior can be modified, ipython_warning_is_error is displayed in the IPython Sphinx directive module section at the bottom of the page.

Directive and options

The IPython directive takes a number of options detailed here.

.. ipython::

Create an IPython directive.


Run a doctest on IPython code blocks in rst.


Used to indicate that the relevant code block does not have IPython prompts.


Allow the code block to raise an exception.


Allow the code block to emit an warning.


Silence any warnings or expected errors.


A noop that allows for any text to be syntax highlighted as valid IPython code.


Save output from matplotlib to outfile.

It’s important to note that all of these options can be used for the entire directive block or they can decorate individual lines of code as explained in Pseudo-Decorators.


Hmmmm should we document those decorators using the above syntax?

We emit warnings when we document both directives and pseudo-decorators.


These prompts will be renumbered starting at 1 regardless of the actual number displayed in the source code.

For example, code blocks like the following:

.. ipython::

   In [136]: x = 2

   In [137]: x**3
   Out[137]: 8

Will be rendered as:

In [1]: x = 2

In [2]: x**3
Out[2]: 8

See also

Configuration Values

Check towards the bottom of this document to view all IPython configuration options.

Persisting the session across blocks

The state from previous code-blocks is stored and carries over from section to section. The IPython shell will maintain and continue to execute in the same namespace so long as it remains in the same document.

This can be useful for documentation that may need to build on a few lengthier examples rather than a handful of shorter snippets.

In addition, IPython’s output and sys.stderr will be inserted at doc build time, and the prompts will be renumbered starting from 1. For example, the prompt below is renumbered so as to follow the code block from above.

In [138]: z = x*3   # x is recalled from previous block

In [139]: z
Out[139]: 6

In [142]: print(z)

In [141]: q = z[)
# this is a syntax error -- we trap ipy exceptions
  File "<ipython console>", line 1
    q = z[)   # this is a syntax error -- we trap ipy exceptions
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Multi-line input

Multi-line input is supported, and particularly lengthy blocks of text can be parsed correctly.

In [3]: url = 'http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=CROX\
   ...: &d=9&e=22&f=2009&g=d&a=1&br=8&c=2006&ignore=.csv'

In [4]: print(url.split('&'))
['http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=CROX', 'd=9', 'e=22',

Writing Pure Python Code

Pure python code is supported by the optional argument :python:. In this pure python syntax you do not include the output from the python interpreter. The following markup:

.. ipython:: python

   foo = 'bar'
   foo = 2

Renders as

In [5]: foo = 'bar'

In [6]: print(foo)

In [7]: foo = 2

In [8]: foo**2
Out[8]: 4

We can even plot from python, using the savefig option to the directive, as well as suppress output with a semicolon.

These options can both be expressed with their decorator counterparts like so:

.. ipython:: python

   @savefig plot_simple_python.png width=4in
   plot([1, 2, 3])
In [9]: plot([1, 2, 3])
Out[9]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x20406c8bcd0>]

For more information on the @savefig decorator, please refer to the end of this page in Pseudo-Decorators section.

Similarly, sys.stderr is inserted.:

.. ipython:: python

   foo = 'bar'
In [10]: foo = 'bar'

In [11]: foo[)
  File "<ipython-input-11-edde7a2425af>", line 1
SyntaxError: closing parenthesis ')' does not match opening parenthesis '['

Handling Comments

Comments are handled and state is preserved.:

# comments are handled
In [12]: print(foo)

The following section attempts to execute faulty code, namely calling the matplotlib.pyplot functions matplotlib.pyplot.ioff and matplotlib.pyplot.ion which haven’t been defined in this session.

.. ipython:: python


As we observe, there is no code-block below, and the directive appropriately suppresses the error during doc-builds.

Splitting Python statements across lines

Multi-line input is handled.:

In [13]: line = 'Multi\
   ....:         line &\
   ....:         support &\
   ....:         works'

In [14]: print(line.split('&'))
['Multi        line ', '        support ', '        works']

Functions definitions are correctly parsed.:

In [15]: def square(x):
   ....:     """
   ....:     An overcomplicated square function as an example.
   ....:     """
   ....:     if x < 0:
   ....:         x = abs(x)
   ....:     y = x * x
   ....:     return y

And persist across sessions.:

In [16]: print(square(3))

In [17]: print(square(-2))

A structure where information about all documents under the root is saved, and used for cross-referencing. The environment is pickled after the parsing stage, so that successive runs only need to read and parse new and changed documents.


Here are the supported decorators, and any optional arguments they take. Some of the decorators can be used as options to the entire block (e.g. @verbatim and @suppress), and some only apply to the line just below them (eg @savefig).:


Execute the ipython input block, but suppress the input and output block from the rendered output. Also, can be applied to the entire ..ipython block as a directive option with :suppress:.


Insert the input and output block in exactly as they were inputted, but prepend an IPython prompt if necessary. Auto-increment the prompt as appropriate for the state of the document. Internally, the interpreter will be fed an empty string, so it is a no-op that keeps line numbering consistent. Also, can be applied to the entire .. ipython block as a directive option with verbatim.


Save the target of the directive to outfile. I think I’m just gonna rewrite this entire paragraph. Save the figure to the static directory and insert it into the document, possibly binding it into a mini-page and/or putting code/figure label/references to associate the code and the figure. Takes args to pass to the image directive (scale, width, etc can be **kwargs)


Compare the pasted in output in the IPython block with the output generated at doc build time, and raise errors if they don’t match. Also, can be applied to the entire .. ipython block as a directive option with :doctest:.



Document the magics.py sphinx extension!!

The .. magic:: directive doesn’t appear to be documented at all. Actually wait. Does it ship with the IPython wheel?

Configuration Values

The configurable options that can be placed in conf.py are:


The directory in which to save the figures. This is relative to the Sphinx source directory. The default is html_static_path.


The compiled regular expression to denote the start of IPython input lines. The default is re.compile('In \[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'). You shouldn’t need to change this.


[Default to True] Fail the build if something unexpected happen, for example if a block raise an exception but does not have the :okexcept: flag. The exact behavior of what is considered strict, may change between the sphinx directive version.


The compiled regular expression to denote the start of IPython output lines. The default is re.compile('Out\[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'). You shouldn’t need to change this.


The string to represent the IPython input prompt in the generated ReST. The default is 'In [%d]:'. This expects that the line numbers are used in the prompt.


The string to represent the IPython prompt in the generated ReST. The default is 'Out [%d]:'. This expects that the line numbers are used in the prompt.


A str which specifies if the embedded Sphinx shell should import matplotlib and if so, which backend it should use. The value is passed to matplotlib.use() before any lines in ipython_execlines are executed. If not specified in conf.py, then the default value of ‘agg’ is used. To use the IPython directive without matplotlib as a dependency, set the value to None. It may end up that matplotlib is still imported if the user specifies so in ipython_execlines or makes use of the @savefig pseudo decorator.


A list of str given as arguments to the function exec() in the embedded Sphinx shell. Typical usage is to ensure all common dependencies of the package have been properly imported. Set this to an empty list if you wish to have no imports always available.

If omitted from conf.py altogether, then the default value of:

['import numpy as np', 'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt']

is used.


When the @suppress pseudo-decorator is used, the execution count can be incremented or not. The default behavior is to hold the execution count, corresponding to a value of True. Set this to False to increment the execution count after each suppressed command.

As an example, to use the IPython directive when matplotlib is not available, one sets the backend to None:

ipython_mplbackend = None

See Also

One may find it useful to reference the relevant documentation from the Sphinx project and Docutils.

See also

The Sphinx documentation project

Sphinx has phenomenal documentation and provides a good reference when working with rst files. In addition the source for each page of the documentation is easily obtainable from the “Show Source” button.

See also


Image Options for rst directives — from docutils.