Source code for default_profile.startup.system_aliases

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Create OS specific aliases to allow a user to use IPython anywhere.

Try to make viewing large amounts of aliases a bit more manageable.

As a product of running `%rehashx` the alias magic is unusable.

Therefore, we try to properly map aliases as dictionaries.

This implies adding enough dunders to the CommonAliases class
constructed here that it appropriately follows the ``mapping`` protocol
as specified in the Python Language Reference.

As stated in the language reference under Common Sequence Operations.:

.. compound::

    Concatenating immutable sequences always results in a new object.
    This means that building up a sequence by repeated concatenation
    will have a quadratic runtime cost in the total sequence length.
    To get a linear runtime cost, you must switch to one of the
    alternatives below:

        - **If concatenating tuple objects, extend a list instead.**

import copy
import gc
import keyword
import operator
import os
import platform
import reprlib
from collections import UserDict
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Optional, Union, Dict

from IPython.core.alias import default_aliases
from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython

from default_profile.ipython_config import (

[docs]def validate_alias(alias) -> Optional[Any]: # Remember that you moved that docstring to docs if is None: return if not hasattr(alias, "name"): raise InvalidAliasError("Alias does not have name attribute.") try: # Jesus christ this is gonna be something else to untangle caller =["line"][] except KeyError: pass nargs = alias.cmd.count("%s") - alias.cmd.count("%%s") if (nargs > 0) and (alias.cmd.find("%l") >= 0): raise InvalidAliasError( "The %s and %l specifiers are mutually " "exclusive in alias definitions." ) return nargs
[docs]class Alias(UserDict): """Callable object storing the details of one alias. Reasonably this is the object that should be the UserDict. CommonAliases makes more sense as a list of dicts. Instances are registered as magic functions to allow use of aliases. Methods ------- blacklist : method Previously a class attribute, the blacklist is now a property of an Alias. """ # For as many dunder as this whole module has i barely use any if at all # However you gotta debug something related to the reflection of this class # `ls??` just raised. The stack trace was in IPython.core.oinspect # class Inspector method _get_info. Or possibly that append_field closure. # which contains a call to _mime_format so somewhere around there though
[docs] def __init__( self, name: AnyStr, cmd: AnyStr, **kwargs: Optional[Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr]] ): """Validate the alias, and return the number of arguments.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self.cmd = cmd if in self.blacklist: # Wait can we note that we didn't checkout the keyword list though. raise InvalidAliasError( f"The name {} can't be aliased because it is a keyword or builtin." ) self.nargs = validate_alias(self)
[docs] @property def shell(self): return get_ipython()
[docs] @property def blacklist(self): """Override the super classes blacklist. The reset magic no longer works. We change prompt_toolkit properties and don't reset them with that magic, so it expects the interface to continue existing. """ blacklist = ["dhist", "alias", "unalias"] blacklist.extend(keyword.kwlist) return blacklist
def __repr__(self): return f"<Alias: {!r} for {self.cmd!r}>" def __call__(self, rest=""): """If an Alias is called, run it with the shell's system function. Parameters ---------- rest : str Remainder of the user's command line. """ cmd = self.cmd nargs = self.nargs # Expand the %l special to be the user's input line if cmd.find("%l") >= 0: cmd = cmd.replace("%l", rest) rest = "" if nargs == 0: if cmd.find("%%s") >= 1: cmd = cmd.replace("%%s", "%s") # Simple, argument-less aliases cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, rest) else: # Handle aliases with positional arguments args = rest.split(None, nargs) if len(args) < nargs: raise UsageError( "Alias <%s> requires %s arguments, %s given." % (, nargs, len(args)) ) cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd % tuple(args[:nargs]), " ".join(args[nargs:])) def __eq__(self, other): if other.items() == self.items(): return True
[docs]class CommonAliases(UserDict): r"""Aliases that are usable on any major platform. Aliases are added by calling the :meth:`update` method which will add aliases to the attribute *dict_aliases*. In addition, note that the definition for updating indicates that the class `update`\s aliases and will `add` other instances. """ shell = get_ipython()
[docs] def __init__(self, user_aliases=None, **kwargs): """OS Agnostic aliases. Parameters ---------- user_aliases : list of ('alias', 'system command') tuples User aliases to add the user's namespace. """ self.linemagics = None if user_aliases is None: self.user_aliases = default_aliases() else: self.user_aliases = user_aliases if hasattr(user_aliases, "update"): # did we get a dict? self.dict_aliases = self.user_aliases elif hasattr(user_aliases, "append"): # did we get a list of tuples? self.dict_aliases = self.tuple_to_dict(self.user_aliases) else: self.dict_aliases = {} self.git() self.python_exes() # if kwargs is not None: # surprisingly that doesnt work if len(kwargs) != 0: self.update(**kwargs) super().__init__(self.dict_aliases)
[docs] @property def alias_manager(self): """The 'alias_manager' attribute of |ip|.""" return
[docs] def define_alias(self, name, cmd): """Define a new alias. Examples -------- :: In [54]: pkg? Repr: <alias pkg for 'pkg'> In [55]: aliases + ('pkg', 'pkg list-a') In [56]: pkg? Repr: <alias pkg for 'pkg list-a'> """ caller = Alias(name=name, cmd=cmd) try: caller, magic_kind="line", magic_name=name ) except AliasError: return
[docs] def is_alias(self, name): """Return bool verifying if a name is defined in 'dict_aliases.keys()'.""" return name in self.dict_aliases.keys()
[docs] def soft_define_alias(self, name, cmd): """Define a new alias and don't raise an error on an invalid alias.""" self.alias_manager.soft_define_alias(name, cmd)
[docs] def undefine_alias(self, name): """Override to raise AliasError not ValueError. We're not subclassing AliasManager here but still attempting to match it's interface. """ if self.is_alias(name): del self.linemagics[name] else: raise AliasError("%s is not an alias" % name)
def __repr__(self): return "<{}>: {} aliases".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self.aliases)) @reprlib.recursive_repr def __str__(self): return "<{}>\n{}".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.repr_dict(self.aliases_dict, self.maxdict) )
[docs] def update(self, other, **kwargs): """Update the mapping of aliases to system commands. Ensure that this is properly defined as this can be critical for speed. If a TypeError is raised by doing so then attempt to pass the alias along to the shell's `AliasManager` with `soft_define_alias`. :param kwargs: Any keyword arguments to pass to the superclass. :type kwargs: dict :param other: Other object to update instance dict with. """ try: self.dict_aliases.update(other) except TypeError: self.soft_define_alias(*other) if kwargs: super().update(other=kwargs)
# def __copy__(self): # return copy.copy(self.dict_aliases) def __contains__(self, other): if type(other) == Alias: for i in self.dict.aliases: if other == i: return True return other in self.dict_aliases def __iter__(self): return iter(self.dict_aliases.items()) def __add__(self, other, name=None, cmd=None, *args): """Allow instances to be added.""" if hasattr(other, "dict_aliases"): self.update(other.dict_aliases) if name is None and cmd is None: if len(args) == 2: name, cmd = args else: name, cmd = other self.define_alias(name, cmd) def __mul__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self): return len(self.dict_aliases) def __index__(self, other): # I think the difference is ``__getitem__`` ==> ReprAlias['ls'] # and ``__index__`` ==> ReprAlias[0]. return index(self.keys(), other)
[docs] def keys(self): # Well of course the above doesn't work i never defined keys return self.aliases_dict.keys()
def __next__(self): max = len(self) if max >= self.idx: # Reset the loop and raise stopiteration self.idx = 0 raise StopIteration self.idx += 1 return self.dict_aliases[self.idx] def __getitem__(self, index): try: return operator.getitem(self.kb.bindings, index) except TypeError: raise
[docs] def len(self): return self.__len__()
def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return operator.getattr(self, attr) except KeyError: raise AttributeError
[docs] def tuple_to_dict(self, list_of_tuples): a = list_of_tuples if a is None: a = self.user_aliases ret = {} for i, j in enumerate(a): ret[a[i][0]] = a[i][1] return ret
[docs] def unalias(self, alias): """Remove an alias.""""unalias", alias)
[docs] def user_shell(self): """Determine the user's shell. Checks :envvar:`SHELL` and :envvar:`COMSPEC`.""" if return elif os.environ.get("SHELL"): return os.environ.get("SHELL") elif os.environ.get("COMSPEC"): return os.environ.get("COMSPEC") else: raise OSError( "Neither $SHELL nor $COMSPEC set. Can't determine running terminal." )
[docs] def python_exes(self): """Python executables like pydoc get executed in a subprocess currently. I want to do a check for if pydoc and apropos are in the aliases. .. todo:: os.environ => env """ if "pydoc" in self.dict_aliases.keys(): self.unalias("pydoc") import pydoc if "apropos" in self.dict_aliases.keys(): self.unalias("apropos") # noinspection PyProtectedMember from pydoc import apropos if "which" in self.dict_aliases.keys(): self.unalias("which") from shutil import which if "chown" in self.dict_aliases.keys(): self.unalias("chown") from shutil import chown
[docs] def git(self): self.dict_aliases.update( self.tuple_to_dict( [ ("g", "git diff --staged --stat %l"), ("ga", "git add -v %l"), ("gaa", "git add --all %l"), ("gai", "git add --interactive %l"), ("gap", "git add --patch %l"), ("gar", "git add --renormalize %l"), ("gau", "git add --update %l"), ("ga.", "git add ."), ("gb", "git branch -avv %l"), ("gbl", "git blame %l"), ("gbr", "git branch %l"), ("gbrd", "git branch -d %l"), ("gbrD", "git branch -D %l"), ("gbrrd", "git branch -rd %l"), ("gbrrD", "git branch -rD %l"), ("gbru", "git branch --set-upstream-to --verbose origin %l"), ("gbrv", "git branch --all --verbose --remote %l"), ("gci", "git commit %l"), ("gcia", "git commit --amend %l"), ("gciad", "git commit --amend --date=%l"), ("gcid", "git commit --date=%l"), ("gcim", "git commit --verbose --message %s"), ("gcl", "git clone --progress %l"), ( "gcls", "git clone --progress --depth 1 --single-branch --branch master %s", ), ("gco", "git checkout %l"), ("gcob", "git checkout -b %l"), ("gd", "git diff %l"), ("gds", "git diff --staged %l"), ("gds2", "git diff --staged --stat %l"), ("gdt", "git difftool %l"), ("gdw", "git diff --word-diff %l"), ("gf", "git fetch --all %l"), ("gfe", "git fetch %l"), ("ggc", "git gc %l"), ("ggcp", "git gc --prune %l"), ("git", "git %l"), ("git_config_list", "git config --get --global %l"), ("git_config_glob", "git config --get-regex --global %l.*"), # If you're on a topic branch, shows commit msgs since split ("git_fork", "git show-branch --current %l"), ( "git_hist", 'git log --pretty="format:%h %ad | %d [%an]" --graph --date=short ' "--branches --abbrev-commit --oneline %l", ), ("git_last_msg", "git log -1 HEAD -- ."), ("git_last_patch", "git show --source"), ("git_staged", "git diff --cached %l"), ("git_rel", "git rev-parse --show-prefix %l"), ("git_root", "git rev-parse --show-toplevel %l"), ("git_unstage", "git reset HEAD %l"), ("git_unstaged", "git diff %l"), ( "gl", 'git log --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset %C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset" --all --abbrev-commit --abbrev=7 --date=relative --graph --decorate %l', ), # gl with a message ( "glg", r'git log --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset%Cwhite %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset" --all --abbrev-commit --date=relative', ), ("glo", "git log %l"), ( "glog", 'git log --pretty="format:%h %ad | %d [%an]" --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit --oneline --branches %l', ), ("gls", "git ls-tree master %l"), ("git ls", "git ls-tree master %l"), ("gm", "git merge --stat --progress %l"), ("gma", "git merge --abort %l"), ("gmc", "git merge --continue %l"), ("gmm", "git merge --stat --progress master %l"), ("gmt", "git mergetool %l"), ("gp", "git pull --all %l"), ("gpo", "git pull origin %l"), ("gpom", "git pull origin master %l"), ("gpu", "git push %l"), ("gpuf", "git push --force $args"), ("gpuo", "git push origin $args"), ("gpuof", "git push origin --force $args"), ("gr", "git remote -v %l"), ("grb", "git rebase %l"), ("grba", "git rebase --abort %l"), ("grbc", "git rebase --continue %l"), ("grbi", "git rebase --interactive %l"), ("gre", "git remote %l"), ("gs", "git status %l"), ("gsb", "git status -sb %l"), ("gsh", "git stash %l"), ("gsha", "git stash apply %l"), ("gshc", "git stash clear %l"), ("gshd", "git stash drop %l"), ("gshl", "git stash list %l"), ("gshp", "git stash pop %l"), ("gshs", "git stash show --stat %l"), ("gshsp", "git stash show --patch %l"), ("gss", "git status -sb %l"), ("gst", "git diff --stat %l"), ("gsw", "git switch --progress %l"), ("gswm", "git switch --progress master %l"), ("gt", "git tag --list %l"), ("gtd", "git tag --delete %l"), ("ssh-day", 'eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"; ssh-add %l'), ("xx", "quit"), # this is a sweet one ("..", "cd .."), ("...", "cd ../.."), ] ) )
[docs] def ls_patch(self): self.dict_aliases.update( self.tuple_to_dict( [ ("l", "ls -ChF --hide=NTUSER.* --color=always %l"), ("la", "ls -AhFg --color=always %l"), ("ldir", "ls -pFho --hide=NTUSER.* --color=always %l | grep /$"), ("lf", "ls -Foh --hide=NTUSER.* --color=always | grep ^- %l"), ("ll", "ls -AgFho --color=always --hide=NTUSER.* %l"), ("ls", "ls -Fh --hide=NTUSER.* --color=always %l"), # alternatively -Altcr ("lr", "ls -gFhtr --hide=NTUSER.* --color=always %l"), # alternatively could do ls -Altc ("lt", "ls -gFht --hide=NTUSER.* --color=always %l"), ("lx", "ls -Fo --hide=NTUSER.* --color=always | grep ^-..x"), ] ) )
[docs]class LinuxAliases(CommonAliases): """Add Linux specific aliases."""
[docs] def __init__(self, dict_aliases=None, *args, **kwargs): self.dict_aliases = dict_aliases if dict_aliases is not None else args super().__init__(**kwargs) self.busybox() self.thirdparty()
def __repr__(self): return "Linux Aliases: {!r}".format(len(self.dict_aliases))
[docs] def busybox(self): """Commands that are available on any Unix-ish system. Returns ------- dict_aliases : list of ('alias', 'system command') tuples User aliases to add the user's namespace. """ self.dict_aliases.update( self.tuple_to_dict( [ ("cs", "cd %s && ls -F --color=always %s"), ("cp", "cp -v %l"), # cp mv mkdir and rmdir are all overridden ("df", "df -ah --total"), ("dU", "du -d 1 -h --apparent-size --all | sort -h | tail -n 10"), ("dus", "du -d 1 -ha %l"), ("echo", "echo -e %l"), ("free", "free -mt"), ( "gpip", "export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=0;" "python -m pip %l;" "export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=1 > /dev/null", ), ( "gpip2", "export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=0;" "python2 -m pip %l;" "export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=1 > /dev/null", ), ( "gpip3", "export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=0;" "python3 -m pip %l;" "export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=1 > /dev/null", ), ("head", "head -n 30 %l"), ("mk", "mkdir -pv %l && cd %l"), # check if this works. only mkdir ("mkdir", "mkdir -pv %l"), ("mv", "mv -v %l"), ("r", "fc last"), ("redo", "fc last"), # Less annoying than -i but more safe # only prompts with more than 3 files or recursed dirs. ("rm", "rm -Iv %l"), ("rmdir", "rmdir -v %l"), ( "default_profile", "cd ~/projects/dotfiles/unix/.ipython/default_profile", ), ( "startup", "cd ~/projects/dotfiles/unix/.ipython/default_profile/startup", ), ("tail", "tail -n 30 %l"), ] ) )
[docs] def thirdparty(self): """Contrasted to busybox, these require external installation. As a result it'll be of value to check that they're even in the namespace. """ self.dict_aliases.update( self.tuple_to_dict( [ ("ag", "ag --hidden --color --no-column %l"), ("cat", "bat %l"), ("nvim", "nvim %l"), ("nman", 'nvim -c "Man %l" -c"wincmd T"'), ( "ph", 'pygmentize -v -f terminal256 -P "heading=Pygments, the Python highlighter" -l python3 %s', ), ("tre", "tree -DAshFC --prune -I .git %l"), ] ) )
[docs]class WindowsAliases(CommonAliases): """Aggregated Window aliases. Provides simplified system calls for NT. Methods ------- Implements aliases specific to cmd or powershell. Notes ----- Would it be useful to subclass :class:`reprlib.Repr` here? """
[docs] def __init__(self, dict_aliases: Optional[Dict] = None, *args, **kwargs): # if you don't give **kwargs to dict_aliases, then by giving *args as # it's definition it ends up becoming a list which will immediately # screw everything up. self.dict_aliases = dict_aliases if dict_aliases is not None else kwargs self.cmd_aliases() super().__init__(user_aliases=self.dict_aliases)
def __repr__(self): return "Windows Aliases: {!r}".format(len(self.dict_aliases))
[docs] def cmd_aliases(self): r"""Aliases for the :command:`cmd` shell. .. todo:: Cmd, :envvar:`COPYCMD` and IPython Need to consider how to handle env vars. Still working out how IPython's logic for Window's shells works, but that'll determine how :envvar:`SHELL` and :envvar:`COMSPEC` are handled. .. note:: Windows environment variables However it'll also take some consideration to figure out how to handle env vars like :envvar:`COPYCMD`. Should we build them into the aliases we have here because that'll affect :data:``? Also note :envvar:`DIRCMD` for :command:`dir`. """ self.dict_aliases.update( self.tuple_to_dict( [ ("assoc", "assoc %l"), ("cd", "cd %l"), ("chdir", "chdir %l"), ("cl", "cl %l"), ("cmd", "cmd /U /E:ON /F:ON %l"), ("control", "control %l"), ("controlpanel", "control %l"), ("copy", "copy /V /Y %s %s"), # ("cp", "copy %s %s"), ("cpanel", "control %l"), ("cygpath", "cygpath %l"), ("del", "del %l"), ("dism", "dism %l"), ("ddir", "dir /ad /on %l"), ("echo", "echo %l"), ("erase", "erase %l"), ("find", "find %l"), ("findstr", "findstr %l"), ("finger", "finger %l"), # Probably the closest reasonable alternative to ls that i've found ("l", "dir /d %l"), # Actual ls isn't aliases since git on windows provides it ("ldir", "dir /ad /on %l"), ("ll", "dir /Q %l"), # I know this really isn't the same but I need it # ("ln", "mklink %s %s"), ("make", "make.bat %l"), # Useful when we're building docs ("md", "md %l"), ("mk", "mkdir %s & cd %s"), ("mkdir", "mkdir %l"), ("mklink", "mklink %s %s"), ("move", "move %s %s"), ("msbuild", "msbuild %l"), # ("mv", "move %s %s"), ("net", "net %l"), ("path", "path %l"), ("rd", "rd %l"), ("ren", "ren %l"), ("rename", "rename %l"), # should probably stop doing stuff like this with the real # rm still on path # ("rm", "del %l"), ("rmdir", "rmdir %l"), # i'll admit this is specific but I'm NEVER gonna remember it ("rmdir -r", "rmdir /S %l"), ("sc", "sc %l"), ( "set", "set %l", ), # but honestly might just work better as os.environ.putenv ("sfc", "sfc %l"), ("start", "start %l"), ("tasklist", "tasklist %l"), ("taskkill", "taskkill %l"), ("title", "title %l"), ("tre", "tree /A /F %l"), ("tree", "tree %l"), ("type", "type %l"), ("ver", "ver %l"), ("verify", "verify %l"), ("vol", "vol %l"), ("xcopy", "xcopy %l"), ("where", "where %l"), ("wmic", "wmic %l"), ] ) )
[docs] def powershell_aliases(self): r"""Aliases for Windows OSes using :command:`powershell`. Has only been tested on Windows 10 in a heavily configured environment. Niceties such as Git for Windows, ag-silversearcher, ripgrep, ConEmu and others have been added. The minimum number of assumptions possible have been made; however, note that this section is still under development and frequently changes. """ self.dict_aliases.update( [ ("ac", "Add-Content %l"), ("asnp", "Add-PSSnapin %l"), ("cat", "Get-Content %l"), # ('cd', 'Set-Location %l'), ("clc", "Clear-Content %l"), # ('clear', 'Clear-History %l'), ("conda env", "Get-Conda-Environment %l"), ("copy", "Copy-Item %l"), ("cp", "Copy-Item %l"), ("del", "Remove-Item %l"), ("dir", "Get-ChildItem %l"), ("echo", "Write-Output %l"), # ('history', 'Get-History %l'), ("kill", "Stop-Process"), ("l", "Get-ChildItem %l"), ("ll", "GetChildItem -Verbose %l"), ("ls", "Get-ChildItem %l"), ("man", "Get-Help %l"), ("md", "mkdir %l"), ("move", "Move-Item %l"), ("mv", "Move-Item %l"), # ('popd', 'Pop-Location %l'), ("pro", "nvim $Profile.CurrentUserAllHosts"), ("ps", "Get-Process %l"), # ('pushd', 'Push-Location %l'), # ('pwd', 'Get-Location %l'), ("ren", "Rename-Item %l"), ("rm", "Remove-Item %l"), ("rmdir", "Remove-Item %l"), ("rp", "Remove-ItemProperty %l"), ("rsn", "Remove-PSSession %l"), ("rv", "Remove-Variable %l"), ("rvpa", "Resolve-Path %l"), ("sajb", "Start-Job %l"), ("sal", "Set-Alias %l"), ("saps", "Start-Process %l"), ("sasv", "Start-Service %l"), ("sbp", "Set-PSBreakpoint %l"), ("select", "Select-Object %l"), ("set", "Set-Variable %l"), ("si", "Set-Item %l"), ("sl", "Set-Location %l"), ("sleep", "Start-Sleep %l"), ("sls", "Select-String %l"), ("sort", "Sort-Object %l"), ("sp", "Set-ItemProperty %l"), ("spjb", "Stop-Job %l"), ("spps", "Stop-Process %l"), ("spsv", "Stop-Service %l"), ("start", "Start-Process %l"), ("stz", "Set-TimeZone %l"), ("sv", "Set-Variable %l"), ("tee", "Tee-Object %l"), ("tree", "tree /F /A %l",), ("type", "Get-Content %l"), ("where", "Where-Object %l"), ("wjb", "Wait-Job %l"), ("write", "Write-Output %l"), ] )
[docs]def generate_aliases() -> Union[None, LinuxAliases, WindowsAliases]: """Define aliases in case the user needs to redefine Parameters ---------- aliases : `list` of `tuple` Aliases to rerun. Can be easily generated from `generate_aliases` Returns ------- None Raises ------ :exc:`traitlets.config.application.ApplicationError` Raises an ApplicationError if `get_ipython` returns an object that doesn't have an attribute 'alias_manager'. """ _ip = get_ipython() if _ip is not None: if not hasattr(_ip, "alias_manager"): raise ApplicationError else: return machine = platform.platform() # TODO: Fuck we have to change teh user_aliases to dicts too if machine.startswith("Linux"): # aliases = LinuxAliases(dict_aliases=_ip.alias_manager.user_aliases) aliases = LinuxAliases() aliases.busybox() elif machine.startswith("Win"): # aliases = WindowsAliases(dict_aliases=_ip.alias_manager.user_aliases) aliases = WindowsAliases() else: raise AliasError # isn't working. yeah fuck this is still raising we need to do something about this. aliases.ls_patch() return aliases
if __name__ == "__main__": all_aliases = generate_aliases() # our combined classes have an attribute dict_aliases # that makes operations a lot easier to perform for i in all_aliases: try: # so this expression here is how we now we didn't properly separate responsibilities all_aliases.soft_define_alias(*i) except InvalidAliasError: raise get_ipython().run_line_magic("alias_magic", "p pycat") get_ipython().alias_manager.define_alias("fzf", "fzf-tmux") gc.collect() # Vim: set et: